With any standard 1/2” 14-degree dovetail router bit, you can create your own tracks, eliminating the need for expensive aluminum tracks. The package includes everything you need to create your own tracks on virtually any surface. Make every inch of your shop more functional.
Quickly dial in dovetail router bit’s cutting depth with the Setup Gauge
Route dovetail grooves on a jig or work surface
Use Dovetail Hardware to make stops and hold-downs that move freely, and tighten down anywhere you can route a groove.
Use the Dovetail Clamps to secure material for cutting or assembly.
Important Notice: Use Micro Jig products to improve your safety when machining, they should complement your machine guards not replace them. All relevant health and safety practices should be used which are applicable to your country of residence.
What's Included:
(2) Dovetail Clamps
1/2″ x 14º Dovetail Router Bit
Setup Gauge
Dovetail Hardware Variety (6-Pack)